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Patrick McDougal, MD, FACEP, FAEMS

Emergency Medicine Physician

Northside Hospital

State EMS Medical Director for the State of Georgia


He started his career in medicine in 1993 as a combat medic (91B) in the Georgia Army National Guard while concurrently working as a civilian paramedic in a high volume urban EMS system. Dr. McDougal continued his education by completing medical school and a residency in emergency medicine at the Medical College of Georgia. During residency, he worked in the Center of Operational Medicine at MCG supporting local EMS providers and federal law enforcement training programs. Since completing residency, he has worked as an attending emergency physician in emergency departments in the Chattanooga, TN and Atlanta, GA areas. He currently serves as the State of Georgia EMS medical director and the medical director for several EMS services including the Gwinnett County Department of Fire and Emergency Services. Dr. McDougal is a fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians and the Academy of Emergency Medical Services.

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