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Image by SpaceX

Rocket City Emergency Medicine


Presents 5th Annual Conference

"Bring It All Together"



May 9 - May 10, 2024

Huntsville, AL 



It is not in the still calm of life, or the repose of a pacific station,

that great characters are formed.

The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties.”

–Abigail Adams


Our mission at the Rocket City Emergency Medicine Conference is to propel the field of emergency medicine forward

by offering an accessible platform for education, collaboration, and innovation. We are proud to host renowned speakers 

who bring expertise in their fields to our conference. Our commitment lies in nurturing a community of pre-hospital and in-hospital healthcare professionals dedicated to providing exceptional patient care. Through high-quality, evidence-based learning opportunities

that address the evolving challenges and best practices in emergency medicine,

we empower attendees with the knowledge, skills, and networks necessary to enhance emergency medical care

and improve outcomes for patients in our communities and beyond.



- Dr. Jeannie Li, and Dr. Ric Solis

Jeannie Li MD 03.jpeg

Dr. Jeannie Li


Dr. Ric Solis

Nominate an exceptional colleague for
The RCEM Above and Beyond Award
Nomination open until April 10th, 2024

Diamond Sponsor

Huntsville Hospital
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